Professional Training of Future Fine Arts Teachers Based on an Individual Approach


  • Khairov Rasim Zolimkhon Gulistan State Pedagogical Institute, Philosophy of Pedagogical Sciences, Gulistan, Syrdarya Region, Uzbekistan.
  • Khairova Madina Rasimovna Gulistan State Pedagogical Institute, Fine Arts Department, Gulistan, Syrdarya Region, Uzbekistan.


Higher education institution, Personalized, Individual approach, Students, Mentor, Artistic activity


This article explores the significance of an individualized approach in higher education, particularly within fine arts faculties. The study highlights the need to tailor professional training to contemporary standards, positioning students as active participants in their learning. A key knowledge gap exists in the application of individualized teaching methods in fine arts education, which this study addresses by proposing a methodology for teaching painting. The research aims to demonstrate how this approach fosters personal and professional student growth. The methodology focuses on adapting lessons to individual needs, with results indicating that such an approach enhances student engagement and success. The findings underscore the importance of integrating individualized learning strategies into higher education curricula to improve both teaching and learning outcomes.


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How to Cite

Zolimkhon, K. R., & Rasimovna, K. M. (2024). Professional Training of Future Fine Arts Teachers Based on an Individual Approach. Web of Scholars : Multidimensional Research Journal, 3(4), 26–31. Retrieved from


