The Fiction of John Steinbeck: Poetic, Style, and Images


  • Umarkulova Munira Zahidjon Independent Researcher, Uzbekistan


poetic style, writings, imagery, emotional response, reader, understandable, powerful word description


John Steinbeck, a prominent figure in American literature, is renowned for his captivating and thought-provoking fiction. Steinbeck's works are distinguished by their poetic style, vivid imagery, and profound exploration of the human condition. Data for this analysis are derived from textual examinations of Steinbeck’s fiction, supported by critical commentary from established scholarly sources. From the arid landscapes of the Great Depression to the idyllic rolling hills of California's Salinas Valley, Steinbeck's writing often evokes a strong sense of place and provides poignant commentary on the struggles and triumphs of the common man. This article will delve into the poetic style, imagery, and literary devices employed by Steinbeck, examining how these elements contribute to the richness and depth of his fiction.


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How to Cite

Zahidjon, U. M. (2024). The Fiction of John Steinbeck: Poetic, Style, and Images. Vital Annex: International Journal of Novel Research in Advanced Sciences (2751-756X), 3(3), 113–117. Retrieved from


