The Effect of Special Training in Developing Some Mechanical Variables and Shooting Skill from Jumping for Players Under 19 Years Old in Handball


  • Hussam Ghaleb Abdalhussain College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, University of Karbala, Iraq
  • Rafed Saaad Hadi College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, University of Karbala, Iraq


special training, shooting skill, handball


Biomechanics has an important and fundamental role in the current scientific progress of motor performance in general and the player in particular. Because the basis of biomechanics is the study of the causes of instantaneous movement and interest in studying all the forces that lead to effective movement. This science is one of the very precise sciences that gives an honest and accurate indication of the subject of study and reaching a solution to the current problem in a scientific and accurate manner by describing the movement in a mechanical and accurate description by applying mechanical laws and principles to the course of movements in the human body to reach a movement path adopted by the body. Hence the importance of research in adopting special training in developing mechanical variables and shooting skill from a fixed position for handball players to determine their strengths and weaknesses in each shooting attempt in order for coaches to focus on them to achieve the best results in sports competitions. The research problem was that many coaches do not use skill-specific exercises in the handball training process, so the researcher decided to prepare special exercises to develop some mechanical variables and the skill of shooting from a standstill to know the effect of using these special exercises and their importance and the possibility of real benefit from them in order to develop the training process and save effort and time. The study aimed to prepare special exercises. Identify the effect of special exercises in developing some mechanical variables and the skill of shooting from a standstill. The research hypotheses were there is a positive effect of special exercises in developing some mechanical variables and the skill of shooting from a standstill. The research sample was represented by the players of Al-Qasim Youth Club, numbering (16) players. The researcher used the statistical truth (SPSS) to extract the results and through the statistical results. The researcher concluded that the special exercises had a great effect in learning the skill of shooting from a standstill for the members of the experimental group. The use of new methods, techniques and advanced aids during training sessions played an effective, important and major role in the development process, and this is what we saw from the players’ enthusiasm for training and practice due to the presence of incentives, including photography and competition in play.


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How to Cite

Abdalhussain, H. G., & Hadi, R. S. (2024). The Effect of Special Training in Developing Some Mechanical Variables and Shooting Skill from Jumping for Players Under 19 Years Old in Handball. Vital Annex: International Journal of Novel Research in Advanced Sciences (2751-756X), 3(3), 88–99. Retrieved from


