Editorial Team

Editor in chief


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Managing Editors

Otakuziyeva Vazira Usmonjonovna
 Associate Professor of the Department of Chemical Technologies, Kokand branch of Tashkent State Technical University named after Islam Karimov, Uzbekistan

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Prof. Baraka Manjale Ngussa
University of Arusha, Tanzania

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Ph.D. Ryohei Yamashita,
Ishikawa Prefectural University, Japan

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Tursagatov Jahongir Mamatovich, Tashkent branch of the Samarkand State University of Veterinary Medicine, Uzbekistan

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Utapov Ne'matullo Egamkulovich, Tashkent Branch of Samarkand State University of Veterinary Medicine, Uzbekistan

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Kulmatov Chori Anorovich, Tashkent Branch of the Samarkand State University of Veterinary Medicine, Uzbekistan

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Kuchchiev Okhunjon Razzokovich, Tashkent Branch of Samarkand State University of Veterinary Medicine, Uzbekistan

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Shukhrat Normuratovich Ruziev, Tashkent branch of the Samarkand State University of Veterinary Medicine, Uzbekistan

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Section Editors

Prof. Hadi Susanto
Khalifa University, United Arab Emirates & Essex University, United Kingdom

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Muhammad Attamimi, Ph.D.
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Indonesia

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Khudaiberdieva Nadira Abduyakubovna, Associate professor Uzbekistan State University of Physical Education and Sports, Uzbekistan

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Ernazarov Alisher Ergashevich, Samarkand Institute of Economics and Seris, Uzbekistan

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Abdullajanov Bakhrom Rustamjanovich, Andijan State Medical Institute, Uzbekistan

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Narzullaeva Dilfuza Saitovna, Bukhara Institute of Engineering and Technology, Uzbekistan

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Kazimova Gulnora Khakimovna
Associate Professor of the Department of Uzbek and Russian Languages at Bukhara Institute of Engineering and Technology, Uzbekistan

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Rakhimov Akram Kakhorovich
Samarkand State University of Architecture and Construction, Uzbekistan

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Rashidov Mels Karimovich
Navoi State University of Mining and Technology, acting head of the "Economics and Management" department, Uzbekistan

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Otabek Amonov, Acting director at Karshi Branch of Tashkent University of Information Technology Named After Muhammad Al-Khorazmiy, Uzbekistan

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Layout Editor

Mss. Houda E. A.,
International Journals of Sciences and High Technologies, Morocco 

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Ira Darmawanti, M.Psi.
University of Vienna, Austria

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Kadirov Buri, Institute of Social Enlightenment researcher under the republican centre of Spirituality and Enlightenment, Uzbekistan

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Azamatov Uchkun Nematovich, Tashkent Textile and Light Industry Institute, Uzbekistan

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Mamedova Madina Ashuralievna,  Associated Professor at “Foreign Languages” department of Bukhara Engineering-Technological Institute, Uzbekistan

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Barotova Mubashira Barotovna, Associate Professor at “Foreign Languages” department of Bukhara Engineering-Technological InstituteUzbekistan

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Alimova Nozima Rajabboevna, Associate Professor at “Foreign Languages” department of Bukhara Engineering-Technological Institute, Uzbekistan

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Akhmedov Joraboy Rakhmonberdievich,  Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute, Uzbekistan

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Zakirov Shakirdjan Mamajanovich, Almalyk Branch of Tashkent State Technical University named after Islam Karimov, Uzbekistan

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Mukhamedjanova Sitorabegim DJamolitdinovna. Bukhara Engineering-Technological Institute, Uzbekistan

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MUKHTAROV OTABEK SHUKHRATJANOVIC, Andijan State University, Uzbekistan

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Xolbutayev G'ayratbek Oybek o'g'li
Andijon davlat universiteti Rus tili va adabiyoti kafedrasi mudiri, Uzbekistan

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Shaxobov Kamoldin Biloldinovich, Andijan State University, Uzbekistan

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Kadyrov Zyoidin Mamadalievich, Associate Professor of Uzbek Linguistics Department, Andijan State University, Uzbekistan

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Khushmurodov Farrukh Mirzomurodovich, Department of Geography of Karshi State University, Uzbekistan

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Bokiyev Anvar Axmedovich, Senior lecturer of the Department of History of Uzbekistan and Source Studies of Termiz State University, Uzbekistan

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