Economic Principles Of Tourism Services Development In Uzbekistan


  • Karshiev Avazbek Sa'dullaevich Student of the Faculty of Economics, Samarkand Institute of Economics and Service


Tourism, Infrastructure, Tourism Industry, Saturation Index, TALC, Diversification, STP Model, Brand and Image, Market Segmentation


This article examines the relevance of tourism services to the national economy and the initiatives that require being implemented to accelerate accelerate its development. Besides, data will be provided regarding the conception, execution, and outcomes of concepts for the advancement of tourism services underneath the framework of the digital economy


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How to Cite

Karshiev Avazbek Sa’dullaevich. (2024). Economic Principles Of Tourism Services Development In Uzbekistan. Web of Scholars : Multidimensional Research Journal, 3(4), 32–37. Retrieved from


