Fake Biometric Detection Based on Image Quality Assessment Application to Iris Face & Fingerprint


  • Sarah Kareem Salim Electrical Engineering Department, University of Misan, Misan 62001, Iraq


Image quality assessment, Biometrics, Security, Attacks, Countermeasures


Biometric is a technological system that utilises the data for an individual to distinguish it. This technology stores particular information for one of the kinds of organic properties to operate in a workable way. It can be utilized in biometric frameworks by government, organizations, and associations for security reasons. An airplane terminal checking gadget, a "bio-secret key" framework are examples of a biometric system utilizations of the recognizing information for a security result. Be that as it may, we require security for this data and also verification of that individual. This novel software-based technology help to look at the data of an individual is genuine or counterfeit because of that the last aftereffect of validation can be got. Therefore, the major aim of this piece of work is to improve the well-being of the biometric acknowledgement system that includes image quality evaluation to make fast, simple to comprehend and minimal effort. Three applications of data were utilised here which are fingerprint, iris, and face detection. The proposed approach uses features of overall image quality derived from a single image to differentiate with both true and fake samples. It gives efficient protection against different spoofing attacks.


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How to Cite

Salim, S. K. (2024). Fake Biometric Detection Based on Image Quality Assessment Application to Iris Face & Fingerprint. Vital Annex: International Journal of Novel Research in Advanced Sciences (2751-756X), 3(3), 72–87. Retrieved from https://journals.innoscie.com/index.php/ijnras/article/view/1


