About the Journal

Nexus: Journal of Advances Studies of Engineering Science (ISSN 2751-7578) is an open-access peer-reviewed journal. Journal of Advances Studies of Engineering Science main goal is to provide a platform for all professors, students, scientists, and academicians to submit their research articles. We publish knowledge and results in an efficient and effective manner. Articles submitted to the journal should meet these criteria and must not be under consideration for publication elsewhere. Manuscripts should follow the style of the journal and are subject to both review and editing.. >>> view more


Editorial Transition Announcement


We are proud to announce that in 2024, this journal has undergone an editorial transition and domain change. Change from the domain https://www.innosci.org/ to the domain https://journals.innoscie.com/ starting from August 2024. This transition aims to improve management and ensure published articles meet the highest quality standards.

This transition was carried out with the aim of strengthening the integrity of this journal as a quality scientific publication platform. A new editorial team has been tasked with carefully managing the article review and editing process, ensuring that each published contribution meets the strict criteria set.

We are committed to strengthening the journal's reputation as a source of reliable, high-quality information for the scientific community. We would also like to thank all the authors, reviewers and readers who have supported us all this time.

Our hope is that with these changes, the journal will continue to serve as a respected place to share valuable knowledge and research.

Thank you for your attention.

Editorial team

Read more about Editorial Transition Announcement

Current Issue

Vol. 3 No. 3 (2024): June
Published: 2024-09-07


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